The View From Above: Perspective From 10,000 Feet

The last blog I wrote was February 1 of last season. Since then I’ve probably started about a dozen or so posts but haven’t been inspired enough to finish them. I like to take pride in what I write, finding meaning in what I have to say, and relevance in how it relates back to skiing.
Right now I am sitting at 40,000 feet on my way to Boston from Memphis as no flights were headed back to NYC today
and everything leaving the south, headed north, was canceled last night. A good ski buddy of mine from college is renting a car as we speak, on his way to pick me up from Rhode Island and then on our way to Killington to take advantage of this epic pre-New Year’s Eve blizzard.
I was privileged enough to be able to spend Christmas with my family. My brothers were in town from Ohio, Noni & Papa J arriving from Florida, and mom and dad just as I left them. I’m blessed…
But last night, after getting back home from the first canceled flight, my folks had a talk with me about priorities.
See, I was breaking my neck to do anything in my power to get back east and in whatever capacity available- trying to figure out a way to get to the mountain. Not even questioning my motives; their discussion got me thinking even more.
I didn’t sleep last night. It could have been a combination of just getting over the flu, that giddy feeling you get when you know a powder day is waiting for you in the AM, or just not being able to comprehend that I might be wrong…
See, this is the 5th straight year that I have welcomed a new year and a new beginning in Vermont. An annual trip I organize with 20 of my nearest and dearest friends to celebrate the year that was and the season that will be.
And after half a day of reflection I realized… Neither one of us is right or wrong- not me or my parents. That I have a responsibility to my ski family to make this trip happen. Whether you realize it or not, if you are as passionate about skiing as I hope you are… Your skiing companions, your friends, want to share moments like this together the way you want to spend Christmas with your family. But when you’re an outsider looking in, sometimes it’s hard to understand that concept.
When I look back at what it took and the support I needed for Ski Till I Die- my ski family was just as important as my parents, and grandparents, and brothers- to give it a shot. It was guidance and motivation from both sides that made me think it could even happen in the first place.
But even I had almost given up with this whole Ski Till I Die thing… too much time and money and effort- and for what?? And maybe Mom and Dad were right; my priorities werent where they needed to be aligned… But for what??
And that brings this story back full circle. Because in the last 6 weeks I have gotten more emails, and messages, and phone calls from people who want this, from my ski family who keeps pushing me along, to ever let it go!
It brought a whole new meaning back to making IT happen; whether its getting back to your roots, or your passion, or your life! It’s skiing!
And trust me when I tell you that Ski Till I Die isn’t going anywhere, it’s here to stay, and it’s about time we got back on this band wagon and started getting to it!
So lets rip this and make it happen!!!
Happy New Year everyone- see you on the mountain!!!